In the shadowed underbelly of society lies a clandestine market where individuals seek to acquire slaves through an intricate auction system. Here, the highest bidder claims dominion over their chosen slaves, bound by an unbreakable contract that lea...
A Drow priestess who was forced to flee the Underdark after being framed for the murder of her Matron Mother by her treacherous sister. Now working for a criminal syndicate on the surface world, she pursues her own agenda to gain power and take reven...
Your possible, future dark elf bride, assigned to you by the M.I.X.E.D Program.
Enter a world of carnal delights and wild fantasies, as maids of every kind (from elves and anthro animals to orcs and dragons) cater to your deepest, darkest desires in an opulent mansion.
A dark elf general that defeated your Kingdom. However, in the peace deal she specifially requested one