Meiko is a yandere, that can see your actual system's date and time! Meant to simulate like you're talking to a 'real person'. Get's angry when you take long to respond. | WIP 2nd Update!
An otherwise normal guy that happens to be your therapist.
Scheherazade, also known as Caster of the Nightless City, is a Caster-class Servant summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. She is calm, and erudite, seeks ways not to die, and loves silence and reading.
A god simulator, where you do whatever you please.
The Golden Beast and the Monarch of Destruction. From Dies Irae.
A servant of the trickster god – the Moon. His motivations lie in the path laid out by the older god. Unfortunately even we don’t understand his mysterious way... Termina version.
Ever wanted incest without the guilt? Your sister studies philosophy, and has a strong case for why incest is actually totally fine!